
Research Consultation Clinic

Research Consultation Clinic (RCC) is a research consultation service conducted by experienced and qualified statisticians, epidemiologists, and research officers which is provided by CRC to assist investigators/clinicians/researchers in their clinical-oriented research. Various types of consultations are provided such as proposal/protocol development, sample size planning, research design, statistical analysis, and report writing. We are opening the services to government servants, especially medical doctors and other allied health staff (Nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, etc.), who are planning or currently doing clinical research.

Those who are interested please contact CRC Hospital Umum Sarawak at 082-276 820 and liaise with our officers Mdm. Zuriah Sarkawi ( and Dr. Mohamad Adam Bujang ( using their respective email addresses to book your appointment. There is no fee for attending the RCC. Thank you.